Monday, January 18, 2016

health + food thoughts during a whole15

hello friends!

so it was time again. time for a 'whole15'. i had done a SERIOUS number on myself with enjoying the holiday menu{s} and my birthday. i felt pretty sluggish the final few days of 2015, and the first week or so of january my sugar cravings were over-the-top. i am glad to say that i am all in for this new whole15 adventure...

i did some prep. such as for several days before i began to cut way back on my gluten + legume intake. i increased my water consumption and did a fair amount of meal prep.  {bulk protein prep, and a big fridge clean out} i was hoping all of this would help with making my 15 days a little easier.

the first few days - sleep was so crucial. oh and eating in a timely manner. however i noticed that my first and second days weren't super difficult to say 'no' to certain foods. i did have a few cravings but i was able to push them aside. i think it was the fact that dinner was already made and i was drinking black coffee and hot tea.

i also have noticed that i'm getting more okay with just eating what i need. hm, i have cooked veggies, hard boiled eggs and black olives... okay that's a meal. i served them at one time but not mixed up in a bowl or anything like that!

the past few days - i had a really hard time turning down a beer at the brewery on friday night. but i was able to do it. i think i should be able to use that momentum to push forward. i am honestly already thinking about turning this into a whole30 instead. but let's get through 15 days first, okay?!

what is next - my plan is to finish off the whole15 (or grow it into a whole30) then stay away from gluten + legumes and limit my sugar, alcohol + dairy intake. i think this year is all about the REAL food and how to keep my body filled with veggies, quality protein + good fats.

as for healthy movement - i am also making it a goal to hit my 5 mile step goal with a 85% rate in 2016. this requires a bit of effort some days (about two days each week it is very easy to hit my step-goal without even thinking) but i think it is a worthwhile goal. and it gives me just a little wiggle room which will be helpful if i get sick or something like that (i can miss one day each week and still hit my goal for 2016). so far i was short on my steps three days this year.

how have your meals been in january? want to read about my past posts on whole30? click HERE

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