Sunday, April 22, 2012

Screen Free Week 2012: April 30 - May 6 2012

It is time. Time for liberation from the desire to sit down after work and check my email. Time to search my lovely cookbooks for a new recipe for dinner. Time to go thrift-ing instead of "rummaging" through several online sales... Screen Free Week is almost here!

This is our first year to commit for a full week of screen free (out of work time) life. And I couldn't be more excited about it. Our plan is to still use our screens as needed for work. (Obviously most jobs have requirements for use of screens - so it shouldn't change your productivity at work. Just once you get home turn it off!) We will also use our cellphones for their phone abilities in the evening. We are heading to a wedding that weekend where I plan to use my camera for the ceremony and celebration.  I just can't pass up taking photos during a friend's biggest day.

Image taken from Commercial Free Childhood's website

Main idea to take away: all you have to do is turn it off... turn off the TV, go for a walk instead of watching a movie, don't "Draw Something" for one week, better yet have your friends over to play
Pictionary or "Words with Friends", Scrabble in real life! It is a full week for finding enjoyment without using technology as the primal source. Technology is an important vehicle for communication, documentation, and research, but doesn't it bog down your evening?

This will feel amazing, it will be enjoyable, it will be liberating!

It can be easy for each family to make a plan that can work for them. I believe this because my husband is actually on board! We are not big media people, we do not have cable or satellite TV and we've already had many "No Technology Thursdays" in our house. However, there are several nights in a week where we have some type of screen on. Even my recent reads from the library have been via an ebook reader... yikes.

And don't forget:

Screen Free = Commercial Free! In my opinion that is a total win-win! We are exposed to too many commercials. One entire week without evenings full of repeated dog and cat food advertisements! Sounds enjoyable already!

If you want to learn more go to...

Also, tell a friend. Pass on the great idea of "Screen Free Week".  It might change a lifestyle of a family you love... for the better :)

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