Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2013: A Year to Focus

2013... it is well on its way... are you ready? I think I am...

It is a week into the new year and I've just figured out obtainable ways to achieve personal goals that will happen this year. The truth is, this isn't a bad thing since I completed goals from 2012 without a day to spare. My last minute achievements (NYE party) delayed my ability to start this year with all "final" goal decisions made. I know and have known what I need {in my heart} to accomplish. So I've been doing lots of thinking about what is most pressing to me.

With so many goals to reach I've decided to "focus" this year. I will focus on various goals, I will focus on a specific task at time, (less multi-tasking), and I will focus on social interaction while it is happening (whatever form it may be).

I've also decided to continue my pursuit of specific goals during the year which I've found to assist me in completing personal life goals. This year thirteen. Thirteen obtainable goals for 2013.  

My 13 in 2013

1. Read 2 books each month {I'm a bit of a book worm these days}
2. Create and follow a financial plan {eliminating debt sounds like a great plan for our future}
3. Continue de-cluttering of our home {this year I will kick box madness out of our office and garage}
4. Run, bike, hike or hit the gym four days a week
5. Share 10 tips, recipes, or ideas that consider my lifestyle choice of cutting out processed & non local foods on the blog {this has been a long quest -and I'm still not quite there}
6. Take the time to travel to a "someday" place
7. Write {write more, write often and not just on the blog}
8. Garden {goodness knows that our compost pile is ready - 'grow big & grow at home'}
9. Create a desirable working space in our study
10. Put our "backyard heaven" plan into action
11. Share about my choices and plans concerning "simple living" {share 5 tips or ideas indicating intentionality of this lifestyle choice on the blog}
12. Complete a photography challenge
13. Be mindful of support given to friends and family {no matter how far apart we live}

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