Wednesday, January 6, 2016

my 16 in 2016

I have been making lists and goals and drafting plans as long as I can remember {see my lists of goals from 201220132014, 2015}. I love to check off a task + to plan all the ways I could spend my time, money, energy and other resources. I love to consider options. I love having open ended goals because it gives me the flexibility to really strive for whatever I deem most important or appropriate to me - even if that changes several times during one calendar year. 

I write the following 16 goals for 2016 in order to work on passions and spend my time in meaningful ways. I know that my efforts may not always have perfectly posed end results. 

I will live 2016 with the word "cultivate" in mind. 

I will create in positive ways. I will take action. I will plan and just start. I will try not to rehash my well-laid plans too many times {I can already hear you laughing, j}. 
I will ask myself "what can I do to support my happy + healthy life?"... 

My 16 in 2016

1. Grow.
2. Improve.
3. Read.
4. Taste.
5. Rest.
6. Photograph.
7. Save.
8. Appreciate.
9. Make.
10. Move.
11. Plant.
12. Do.
13. Share joy.
14. Learn.
15. Create.
16. Simplify.

How about you? Any goals for this year?

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