Friday, June 26, 2015

{2015::do} an update of taking action

I declared 2015 the year of action. Each week, each month I am accomplishing mini goals, important steps to be more where I want to be.  Living a locally centered life in a relatively clutter-free home while saving + preparing for the future. All of these things are on the front burner now - financially, physically, mentally. I thought it was time for a little update of my 2015 goals.  

 Each day I'm reminding myself to just 'do' something. Some things that I'm pretty pleased about so far this year...

using my fitbit to track my sleep + healthy movement 
creating a space to make
eating well, drinking water + simple menu planning
considering daily rituals + weekly routines
having fun + finding time to play
making plans -as well as time- for friends + family
continuing our budget + financial planning meetings

Check out my list of goals for this year:

2. Read.
5. Create.
7. Search.
8. Learn.
9. Photograph.
10. Enjoy.
11. Express.
12. Save.
13. Appreciate.

...there are many more days of 2015 + I hope to do all that I can.
Have an awesome weekend!

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